- Long Peas 50g
- Chinese sausage 50g
- Cooking Oil 45ml
- Egg Yolks 7 pieces
- Egg 2 pieces
- Rice 500g
- Salt 2g
- Aginomoto 4g
- Soy Sauce 15ml
- Sesame Oil little
- Pepper Powder little
- Whip egg in a bowl. Chop Chinese sausage and long peas into cubes.
- Incline cooker to 45' angle by pressing left side button.Select "Stir-Fry" mode, set timer to 5 minutes and highest power.
- Pour in cooking oil. After 30 seconds,pour in egg.Put Chinese sausage and long peas when egg turns color into gold.
- When flavored comes out, put rice and all ingredients. Stir well and done.
- 长豆 50克
- 腊肠 50克
- 清油 45毫升
- 鸡蛋 2颗
- 白饭 500克
- 味精 4克
- 生抽 15毫升
- 麻油 少许
- 胡椒粉 少许
- 将鸡蛋搅均。腊肠和长豆切粒。
- 按着左边的按键,将锅身调至45度。选择‘炒菜’功能,将时间调至5分钟,火力调至最大。
- 倒入清油。大约30秒后,加入鸡蛋炒至金黄色后,将腊肠和长豆一起加入。
- 炒至散发出香味后,再将白饭和所有调味料一起加入炒均,即可食用。