Product Detail
  • Recipe - 2-01
  • Rice 2 cups
  • Dried tofu 1 pices
  • Chinese sausages 1 pieces
  • Preserved chicken thighs 1 pieces
  • Scallion 3 g
  • Young ginger 3 g
  • Water 2 cups
  • Oyster sauce 2 tablespoons
  • Sesame oil 2 teaspoons
  • Thick soy sauce little
  • Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
  • Pepper : little
  1. Rinse ingredients. Cut the dried tofu into cubes, slice Chinese sausages, chicken thighs, and garlic,dice shallots and shred ginger.
  2. Put rice and water into the pot, close lid and choose 'Rice'. After the rice cooked, put dried tofu, Chinese sausages, chicken thighs, and ginger into pot. Close lid and let it steam for 8 minutes.
  3. Mix seasonings and scallions, stir well and pour onto the dish. The dish is now ready to be served.
  • 白米 2杯
  • 豆腐干 1块
  • 腊肠 1条
  • 腊鸡腿 1只
  • 青葱 3克
  • 子姜 3克
  • 清水 2杯
  • 蚝油 1茶匙
  • 麻油 1茶匙
  • 黑酱油 少许
  • 酱油 2汤匙
  • 胡椒粉 少许
  1. 先将豆腐干切块,腊肠,腊鸡腿,蒜米切片,青葱切粒,子姜切丝。
  2. 将白米放入㶽里,加入清水后,将盖关上,选择'Rice'的功能。待自动排气后,将豆腐干,腊肠,腊鸡腿,姜丝一起放入锅里,将盖关上,焗8分钟。
  3. 将所有调味料搅拌均匀后,和青葱碎一起倒入饭里搅均,即可食用。